"Rentrommet" - Gruppeutstilling i Gallery T - åpning 28. mars
https://www.facebook.com/events/850611411652175/ R e n t r o m m e t MALERIER OG SKULPTURER Gallery T har gleden av å ønske dere...

Letters to the Future = Brev til fremtiden
Venue: Galleri Gamle Eidsfos (3095 Eidsfoss, Norway) Reception: Thursday 21 May, 7-9PM Several of the artists will participate, and the...

Ole Harald Dahls intervju med Jan Valentin Sæther i tidsskriftet Cogito nå fritt tilgjengelig online
I forbindelse med Jan Valentin Saethers 70-Ã¥rsjubileum og lanseringen av Collisions and Transitions: Festschrift in Honour of Jan...

Festschrift to Jan Valentin Saether, launch date: August 25!
Collisions and Transitions. Festschrift to Jan Valentin Saether Editors: Hanne Storm Ofteland & Solveig Socolnikov Saether. ISBN...

Jan's portrait of HM King Olav V of Norway on display at Haugar Vestfold Art Museum
The exhibition "Norwegian Royal Portraits" to open at the Haugar Vestfold Art Museum in Tønsberg, Norway on May 24th features Jan...

Vi gratulerer Jan Valentin Sæther med BKH arbeidsstipend 2014!
Vi gratulerer Jan Valentin Sæther med BKH arbeidsstipend 2014! Congratulations to Jan Valentin Saether upon getting awarded a BKH...

Collisions and Transitions. Festschrift to Jan Valentin Saether
On this day, March 18, 2014 Jan Valentin Saether turns 70. To celebrate his life and work as an artist, art teacher, and gnostic, Hand to...

Group Exhibition,, Gallery Issa, March 1-30 2014
Mard Issa, I. T. Hammar, Bjørn Kjødnes, Harald Kolderup, Arne Paus, Oddmund Raudberget, Jan Valentin Sæther, Kirsti Aasheim, Tor Petter...