Nordic Art Info
In the period 2003-2006 nordic art info arranged 20 solo exhibitions in Oslo.
We aimed at -- on a hand-to-mouth budget -- showing emerging and established artists in four-days solo shows. There was a lot of work put into marketing, and several of the exhibitions got good coverage in the media.
The artists shown were: Elisa Saether, Øystein Tømmerås, Martin Skauen, Tine Grandalen, Hilde Grandalen, Sigmund da Silva Lien, Mark Francombe, Jan Valentin Saether, Anne Szefer Karlsen, Raimo Hassel, Line Olaisen, Sabina Jacobsson, Sara Mathisen, Vanna Bowles, Christopher Haanes, Monica Winther, Elisabet Norseng, Erik Pisani, Jone Skjensvold and Are Siland.
Illustration: "Icon of Kipple." Collage/Mixed media. H: 12-13 cm. © 2014 Mark Francombe. (From the exhibition "Icons of Kipple, nordic art info, Nov 2004.